Bo Morgan works at Apple as an Artificial Intelligence Project Lead. Bo previously worked at DreamWorks Animation, developing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Artificial Intelligence (AI) models. Bo worked at AIBrain, Inc., a local Palo Alto AI startup company, managing and developing cognitive conversational smartphone robot toys for children that exercise SEL development. While at AIBrain, Bo worked closely with UCSF medical and educational neuroscientists designing and implementing fMRI experiments for measuring the BOLD (Blood Oxygen Level Dependent) signature of SEL-related brain regions while children interacted with our application. Bo received his PhD from the MIT Media Lab, where he studied the upper three layers of Marvin Minsky’s cognitive architectural theory of mind. The layers are the (1) built-in reactive, (2) learned reactive, (3) deliberative, (4) reflective, (5) self-reflective, and (6) self-consciously reflective layers. Bo focused on the 4th, 5th, and 6th layers in his theorizing and final implementation, demonstration, and evaluation of his PhD, a reflective learning AI system. Bo also received his Master of Science (MS) in Media Arts and Sciences and his Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.